We did have a few people that were kicked or left after or during war. Here's an account:
Omar "Overdose" Diaz - war mercenary, left after both attacks used, welcome to return
Jim - war mercenary, left after both attacks used, welcome to return
Megan6*8*12 - level 71 graduate from DB2, left after war without saying a word, earned 0 stars in war, troops below th level w/low war hero, not welcome back
HWNejxjd - long-time member did not use either war attack and did not give prior notice that would be unavailable for war. was kicked and is not welcome back unless good excuse.
Dr. Meng - long-time member did not use either war attack and did not give prior notice that would be unavailable for war. was seen in chat during war day. was kicked and is not welcome back unless good excuse.
Sir Francis - left during war prep day and did not return even after invite was sent. Was seen camping in a Request and Leave clan and then was clanless following that. Second time he left the clan. Banned for leaving during war. The penalty for that should be death!
Akhil - was kicked from DB2 for only using 1 war attack and attacking the lowest available base (a th6) when he was a th9. He did this in the first half of the war. Attack your own town hall level in war, or at most one level below. Common sense!