Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016 - Kick Report

March 21, 2016  Kick Report

Akn - new member #2 in war was kicked by kev for poor war attacks, 0 stars.  also he was a rushed TH10.

Mitch - kicked by golgon for multiple infractions: not donating (0 donated / 176 received), ignoring requests (he requested and ignored open requests before his), and only using 1 attack in multiple wars, and attacking a th7 (lowest base) when he is a th9 (#8 attacking #20).

ko ok - new member was kicked by star for leeching, non-existent donations.  one failed war attack

rajesh - new member #15 in war left in the middle of war without using his attacks.

Soumya - left to visit a friends clan for a few days

Kev & Kev2 - left to join a UK based serious war clan.  we spoke at length and it was a difficult decision for him and he will certainly be missed.  I sincerely wished him the best because he has worked hard in this game and deserves the best.  with his heroes and THs maxed he wants to focus on warring and war to win.

Our clan is inconsistent in warring for a number of reasons.

  • We allow new member to join wars before vetting them
  • Many do not attack wisely and do not follow war rules
  • People do not get 3 stars and we need to do cleanup because:
    • They attack higher than their own base number
    • They attack higher than their own TH level
    • They do not use the best war army
    • They do not study 3 star war attack strategies
  • Some people (mostly new members) do not use both of their war attacks.
We have several great warriors in our clan who excel in war and it is just a matter of having the best squad go to war together and having quality over quantity.  If we take anyone and everyone it is very difficult to match up against strong war clans that are only bringing their best squad and usually no new members.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dark Elixir Raiding Tips & Tricks

Hey guys, as we all know, at high level play your heroes and dark troops make a huge difference.  With that said we have a special treat for you today:

Here are some great tips from Kev on Dark Elixir Farming to save you time and make your raids most efficient.  With max level 40 heroes and almost 6.5 million DE raided in his Heroic Heist achievement he is a master thief when it comes to DE.  So heed his advice along with some hard work and you'll be well on your way to keeping that DE storage full and heroes upgraded.

by Kev

Golgon asked for a guide on DE raiding, but this is not a simple thing to do as every base is different and we are all at different levels. However, here's some things I use to do and can be used as things to consider

1. Use a cheap and quick army to raid with, for example 8 Giants, 8 Wallbreakers, 24 Goblins, 60 Archers and 60 Barbs uses 200 spaces and takes about 20 mins to make, so you can raid more often in the time you have.

2. Base selection, don't be afraid to use next button to get the right base. I looked for a minimum of 1000 DE and without xbows where possible.

3. Check where the DE is, as often the DE store will be in the centre of the base and the DE drills in separate compartments. Don't target the DE Store if there are empty xbows, as the store is likely to be empty too. The collectors have a glass container on the top to show how full they are, target your forces appropriately.

4. Check what you are raiding for, you cant go for Gold, Elix, DE AND Trophies, so other upgrades can/may be delayed or hampered

5. The attack, as per all attacks, try to draw CC and kill them in a corner with few archers. They probably know you're after their DE, so check for Giant Bombs and traps, drop just 1/few Barbs to test way is clear. Deploy Giants and couple of Wallbreakers at a time to break a path way in with some Archers and Barbs behind. Don't bunch them up too much as Mortars can kill a pile of weak armies with the splash damage. Once the DE store pathway is there, then drop the Goblins, just a couple to start with to ensure no further bombs on route. 

6. With the latest update, the Town Hall now also stores DE, so if it's on the outside or on route to the DE store, its worth taking out (especially as it will also help in keeping your trophies up)

7. Save your Hero's to the end of the attack and use them briefly to maybe take out a drill, boost it and end the game saving as much life as possible. It will take 20 minutes to rebuild the army, so if you don't use it all, you'll have him for the next attack. However, if the DE Store has over 2k DE then it may be worth sending him in earlier to help ensure you get the loot.

8. Remember to keep your camps building the next set of armies before you raid, so by the time you've finished raiding, you'll saved a few minutes and maybe get an extra attack in.

You can also get DE in your Loot Bonus if you in Crystal league, not sure if this is worth it with the new update as you'll need to get 50%+ to get a portion of the bonus.

With my TH10 base, I was collecting up to 200k DE before the previous AQ/BK had finished (7 days), so it is possible to have your hero on constant upgrade (but I never used DE troops) and I also opted out of War as I had a hero on upgrade.

Monday, January 11, 2016

War Review

Hey guys, after a nice war win we've had two straight losses to tough war clans, the first a lvl 9 clan and the second a lvl 8 clan.  While a loss can be expected when a clan is matched with a much higher level war clan, this also gives us some good opportunities to review and see what it takes to be a successful war clan.

So reviewing the war logs what does it take to win wars consistently like the top war clans?  What did the enemy do to us that we weren't able to do to them?

Here are a few of my observations.  Feel free to comment on this post or in the game chat with your own observations.

War Offense

First off we had some great attacks in both wars.  Highlights were pounds getting 4 stars last war including 2 on a TH11, kev getting 5 stars this war including a 97% on a TH10, gard 3 starring a max TH9 this war, and soumya getting 6 stars this war.  Great job guys!

We also had areas to improve.  Rather than focusing on any specific attacks I'll just mention my observation about what seems to be the standard for successful war attacks to be competitive.

For TH8 and below, you should be able to 3 star your same TH level with your best war army.  This could be the enemy opposite number in war or 1-2 below.  Strong TH8 armies are GoWiPe, Mass Drags, Mass Hogs, or GoHo.  I would stay away from hog based armies until your hogs are lvl 4 or higher due to their vulnerability to giant bombs.

For TH9 and TH10, you should be able to 2 star your same TH level or 3 star any lower TH level.  This is what the enemy is consistently doing to us so if we can do the same then we will at least tie.

For TH11, you should be able to at least 1 star the enemy TH11 and at least 2 star a maxed TH10.

Check where you are in the above categories and see if you are consistently doing this in war.  If you are then you're in good shape.  If you are able to do this most of the time then that's also good.  No one's perfect.  If you are struggling to 3 star th8s or 2 star th9s on a regular basis it means one of three things.

1) you may not be using the right army.  watch other 3 star war attacks to see if that is the case or just ask in the chat.  people are willing to help and give constructive suggestions.
2) you may need more practice and experience attacking with that army on war bases.  most of us practice war attacks during war.  try to occasionally make war armies outside of war and practice attacking maxed bases to see how you do.  getting to know your troops outside of war is best so you'll know what they're going to do in crunch time.
3) your troops and heroes may need to be upgraded for your TH level.  keep your lab busy at all times and this should not be an issue.

If we are able to consistently 3 star the th8 bases on our first attack then it frees up more of our th9 players to focus on the other bases rather than having to do cleanup.  This was our downfall the last two wars, especially this last war.

Also this goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway.  Everyone needs to use both attacks in war.  If you can't then just opt out.  It's not fair to your teammates if they are making two strong war armies and using both attacks and we lose because others didn't bother to use both attacks.  So be considerate of your teammates.

Yours in Clash,
