Congrats to all on reaching Level 5 Clan Perks this week! A great accomplishment and I'm sure our clan castles all appreciate it! Let's keep up the good work. Level 6 gives a 35% troop cost donation refund along with 30% extra loot storage. Level 7 is even better, letting you request every 10 minutes. So let's keep pressing on!
Latest War: Dragonblood vs Ghabile Karash
Not a lucky draw and this was a mismatched war to begin with since the enemy had two extra th9s. So we were at a disadvantage and as a consequence had a hard time closing out their number 8-10 bases. That was the difference this war. Not completely our fault because of the mismatch. What we can improve upon is our attack efficiency. What this means is maximizing our star count with as few attacks as possible. In order to do that we need to do a few things:
I've said several of these before in previous posts but I'll say them again because they serve as good reminders.
- Communicate: Before attacking talk with your clanmates, especially those close to your rank so that you can coordinate attacks. You can also brainstorm and discuss strategies.
- Be smart: Make the right war army for the job. Every base requires a slightly different army to defeat it. Tight bases favor hog attacks, wide open bases favor golem-based attacks, weak air favor drags and loons.
- Make your attacks count: Unless you're number 1, it is not necessary to attack your opposite (same number enemy base). If you're a TH8 or low TH9 it will be better to attack the highest base you can confidently 3 star. This will close out a base so that your clanmates can focus on other bases and not have to clean up a base you already attacked. That is inefficient. Of course use common sense and ask if you're not sure. And wait several hours for the lower mates to attack before going for the bottom bases.
- Defend: Make sure your base design is difficult to attack with the major war armies. In this war the enemy had tougher base designs than us and therefore we struggled 3 starring their lower bases. This means we need to exercise better judgment and gain more experience and also make it more difficult on our enemies.
- Watch and Learn: If at first you don't succeed, try try again. But before you do watch the replays to see what went wrong and what can be improved. For example I saw a few attacks where our spell timing & placement was not right and spells got wasted. These things take practice. But we need to take the time to watch & learn from our mistakes. And also learn from the successes of others. See what went right on your clanmate and enemy attacks and emulate those tactics.
Here were the stats from this war and areas for improvement. Primarily in maximizing our first attacks and being more efficient.
Enemy 3 starred 7 lower bases on their first attempt, requiring no clean up from others |
We 3 starred 0 lower bases on our first attempt, all lower bases required at least two attacks to 3 star and clean up. |
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