Hey guys, as we're all progressing in the game I wanted to discuss a pitfall in the game that
will delay your progress that some may not be aware of or fully understand. That pitfall is rushing your town hall upgrade. I've already seen a few people make the leap and hopefully I can educate others before it's too late. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn't rush your town hall.
1) Less Loot
You may have heard that you get less loot at higher town halls and this is true but it needs some explanation. You get less loot
IF you raid town hall levels lower than your own. This is Supercell's way of discouraging higher town halls from beating up on lower town halls. The game has a loot penalty when attacking lower town hall levels than yourself. So in order to raid for big loot you need to search within your own town hall level+ or one level lower at most. Anything lower and you will get a minimum of a 50% loot reduction of what is available to attackers with the same town hall level as the defender. On the contrary if you stay at a lower town hall level and max your troops you can get a loot bonus for attacking higher town hall levels than yourself. For example if you're TH7 and raid another TH7 they may have 400k total loot available to raid. If you're TH8 raiding the same base only 360k loot will be available. If you're TH9 only 200k total loot will be available. If you're TH10 only 100k total loot will be available to you. If you're a TH5 attacking that TH7 you will have 600k total available to you. So your TH level determines how much loot you get every raid. The lower your TH level the more loot you get when attacking the same base. When I was TH7 there were a ton of rich TH6 bases in Silver 2. I maxed my lvl 7 walls with the raids from those bases. But when I upgraded to TH8 I could no longer raid those bases because only 50% of the loot was available to me. It was no longer worthwhile so I had to change leagues.
2) Easy Target
Serious Clash of Clan players have a word for those who prematurely upgrade their town hall without having strong defenses. They're called preemies. Like the babies born prematurely they're just a little smaller and more fragile than others. Attackers love preemies because they're like the baby gazelle wandering at the back of the pack on the Discovery Channel. Doesn't your mouth start watering when you see a nice raid with weak defenses? Mine does. I sit up and pay attention and go into predator mode. Even better Supercell has higher raid cap limits on your storages the higher level your TH is. At TH7 ppl can steal a max of 500k from your storages. At TH9 it's 700k. Don't be a preemie unless you like getting steamrolled.
3) More Costly Raids
Raids will cost you more at higher town halls in two ways. First you know that next button you love so much? Well the price goes up every town hall level. It goes up about 200 every town hall level after 7. For TH10 it's gonna cost 1,000 gold every time you click. Secondly raids will cost more in terms of elixir. Higher town halls have higher defenses so you need a better army which costs more elixir. Higher troop levels also cost more so even if you use the same troops you used at a lower town hall you will still be spending more due to the higher levels of the troops.
4) Longer Time for Upgrades
If you're a preemie and are getting raided more and are behind on your troop levels and are struggling to raid at your town hall level then you'll be forced to raid lower town halls. Less loot means longer times for upgrades if you can't keep your builders busy. It's all about being efficient. If you're rushing your TH because you're impatient then you'll really be impatient when your upgrades take even longer than they would have if you had more loot to upgrade everything faster. If you don't raid and are relying solely on shields and collectors then you're missing out on a key piece of the game and could just play Farmville. Collectors will never make you as much as raiding. Also your collectors will get raided more often if your defenses are not up to par.
5) Hurts Clan Wars Matchmaking
If you plan on being in a clan and staying in a clan it helps to be a good clanmate. All of the wars we've lost have been due to being unevenly matched against higher town halls and troops. When you rush your TH our clan gets matched against higher THs. The game tries to match as evenly as possible on similar THs, defenses and troop strengths. Sometimes we get unlucky in the matching. If the enemy clan has a high TH with maxed troops and our clan has the same high TH level with lower troops the whole clan suffers because the enemy can donate those maxed troops to the clan castles and also for war attacks. So be a good clanny and max your troops at least at every TH level. And if you're one of the highest THs in the clan plan to donate to help others out, especially during war. If you don't our clan is at a disadvantage because that's what the enemy will be doing. Their highest THs with the strongest troops will be donating the most during war. It doesn't make sense to be a TH8 with TH7 troops or a TH9 with TH8 troops. Your lab and troops should be the first thing to start upgrading at every new TH level.
If you made it this far, congrats. I'm sure there are more reasons, but aren't those enough? If you're really impatient and struggle to farm and grind out all the walls and defenses then at least max your core troops in the lab every TH. So at least you won't struggle offensively. But if I still haven't convinced you then hey go for it. Some people have to learn the hard way. ;)
Happy Clashing,
- Golgon