Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Achievements and Recruiting

Hey guys, happy Thursday!  Almost the weekend!  Everyone knows about Achievements and how they can earn you xp and gems to get more builders, etc.  But today I want to talk about using achievements for research and recruiting purposes.  Achievements are like your Clash of Clans résumé.  The game keeps a cumulative record of your stats and is public for everyone to see and gives a quick overview of what you've accomplished in the game.  These values do not reset like the league season stats.  Checking someone's base is fine but that doesn't tell you anywhere near as much as their profile.

In case you didn't hear I opened the clan up today to [Invite only 1300+ trophies] to allow people to request to join our clan. We're looking for active lvl 50+ players with good bases.  No rushed THs with weak troops and defenses.  So as we recruit and see requests to join be sure to check their profile first to see the following before you invite or accept requests:

1) Are they active?  How many attacks have they won this season?

2) How long have they been playing?  Check their Nice and Tidy stat.  New obstacles grow every 8 hours according to the Clash of Clans Wiki.  So you can quickly estimate how long  someone has been playing the game.  Also check that wiki link for a bit of trivia about the value of gems you receive when you clear obstacles.  I've heard people complain that they didn't get any gems when they've cleared an obstacle.  Well there's a defined sequence for the gem values for obstacles.  So you can predict what the next amount will be.  

3) Are they a good donator?  Check their Friend in Need.  If their Nice and Tidy is 300+ then they've been playing for several months and their friend in need should be in the thousands.  I've only seen a couple cases where someone had a bad friend in need stat and then turned it around after joining our clan.  Most people with a bad stat rarely donate and we have to kick them after the season is over.  Might as well just not accept them to begin with.

4) Are they immediately eligible for war?  If not why did they leave their last clan during war?  Or were they kicked and why?

5) Are they good in war?  Check their War Hero stat.  Wars have been out long enough that they should have close to 100 stars if not more.

6) Do they TH snipe in war?  Check their War Hero to Spoils of War ratio.  If their spoils are in the millions but their stars are low that's a high sign of TH sniping.  Or frequently going for high bases for loot and just getting 1 star.

7) Are they active in farming to improve their base?  Check their Gold Grab stat.

Anyway, I think you guys get the idea.  I'm sure most of you already know these things but hopefully you might have learned at least one thing new.  ;)

Happy Clashing,


P.S. This person was kicked for not donating.  In the kick message I said "START DONATING!"  But their profile clearly showed they were not going to donate based on their past performance.
Guy has been playing the game at least 6 months

Add only donated 260 that whole time?  Really??

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