Friday, September 25, 2015

TH7 enemy bases: mass dragons + 3 lightning + max loons cc = 3 stars guaranteed

Hey Guys,

Great job with 2 wins in a row!  A very nice, decisive win this last war.

One thing we can improve upon.  I've noticed the last few wars that we have used multiple attacks to 3 star TH7 enemy bases.  There's absolutely no reason why we shouldn't 3 star every TH7 enemy base on our first attempt. The answer is to use mass dragons with 3 lightning spells.

Here's how it works.

Make 10 dragons on your camps.
Make 3 lightning spells.
Request max balloons for your clan castle.

Since air defenses are the only real threat to dragons, and there are only 2 air defenses at TH7, take out one air defense with the 3 lightning spells and then overwhelm the other air defense with the dragons and loons.  There's no way one TH7 air defense can take out 10 dragons and 4-5 max loons.


  • Drop 3 lightning on the hardest to reach air defense.  This is usually the one closest to the center of the base.
  • There should now only be 1 air defense left. 
  • Next funnel your dragons to target the remaining air defense.  This means dropping them closest to the air defense so they do not spread out and go away from the air defense.
  • Once you have dropped all dragons and they are taking fire from the air defense release your clan castle full of max loons and the drags will tank while the loons take out all defensive buildings including the lone air defense.
  • That's it, and works every time!

This video is pretty funny.

Other video if you need more examples:

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