Nice job everyone on our last war victory over Foreign Invader! Congrats on 5 straight war wins! Awesome! With that said we did have some failed attacks and can still improve. So here's Part 2 of Clan War Tips. If you didn't read Part 1, you can find it here.
To summarize, here were the tips from Part 1:
1) Always lure and kill the cc troops first if possible.
2) Count the cc troops that come out. (make sure to get them all)
3) Get those corners early while you still have troops.
4) Build the right army for the job.
Part 2
Go for 3 stars on both attacks
Find bases that haven't been attacked and choose the hardest one that you can get 3 stars on. If something goes wrong and you fail to get three stars then at least you'll get two. But if you attack a base that you can only get 1 or 2 stars on and something goes wrong then you get 0 stars. When that happens you don't help your clan and you don't get any war bonus. That sucks so don't do it. Also your attack may be wasted because someone else after you will have to attack the same base to get the full 3 stars. But at the same time don't attack below your level. Let our lower levels attack the enemy's lower levels first. If you're a lower level attack early in the war to make sure there are bases left for you to attack. If there are no bases left you can get 3 stars on then find one you can get 2 stars on, etc. Use your common sense. Don't attack a base that you have no chance in beating just because it hasn't been attacked. If that's all that's left look lower to see if any of the easier bases only have one or two stars and go for stars.
Make the right army
I said this in my last post but apparently I need to say it again because I still noticed some of the failed war attacks were barching (barbarians and archers) for their war attacks. That is a good farming army but not a good war army. Also it's not fair that most of your clan mates are spending close to a million elixir on war on mass dragons and spells to ensure they get maximum stars. For farming make cheap armies. For war let's go all in together. If you don't know what the right army is for a base that you want to attack then just ask. I can usually see the army and see the base and tell how many stars it will get. If you're not sure it's better to ask. I hate to see anyone fail and not get to share in the bonus.
Know thy army
What does this mean? Raid and practice with your troops enough that you know what they will do. So that their actions are not a surprise. War is not a good time to experiment. Some troops target defenses like golems, giants, hogs and balloons and will not attack clan castle troops. So they need backup or they'll die a quick death. Whereas dragons and pekkas tend to circle around the base without going into the center. So if you want your dragons and pekkas and heroes to go to the core of the base and take out the TH then clear a path for them. Take out the peripheral buildings so they can only go forward. Use archers and wall breakers to help clear the path.
Test for traps first
War is different than raiding in that traps are always set and clan castles are always full. So don't underestimate either. Worst thing that can happen is for your power army to be taken out by traps before they can begin to work. If your army is particularly susceptible to traps and bombs then send out a few feelers first. This could be a few barbs or goblins, or a single hog or giant before you send out the whole squad. Look for the gaps where the spring traps and giant bombs are most likely to be and trigger those first with a cheap troop like a barb. Some people still put giant bombs outside their base and they can be triggered by a single barb or goblin. I've seen war attacks when we didn't do this and swarms of hogs and wizards were killed by giant bombs. It's happened to me a couple of times. That makes me sad and smh. Heroes, golems and pekkas aren't phased by spring traps. Spring traps can only throw up to 15 troop spaces. So at most 3 giants or hogs or 15 barbs or archers. Goblins are so fast that they usually run past the spring trap before it can be sprung.
Support your Giants
Bring some wall breakers and at least a couple of healing spells for your giants. Don't let them get killed by splash damage from mortars and wiz towers while they are trying to break down a base full of walls. And take out all of the clan castle troops before releasing all of your giants. If you can't lure the clan castle then be sure to have plenty of backup for your giants like wizards and archers so you don't leave them hanging.
Mass Dragons Strategies
This could be a separate post by itself but short and sweet -- For mass dragon attacks on TH7s just take 3 lightning spells with you and take out the deepest air defense first. Then release your other dragons by the other air defense and you should have easy 3 star. For TH8 this may work as well if two of the air defenses are on the edge of the base and are easily accessible. If not it may be better to clear a path and rage them to take out the air defenses with three rage spells. Any air ds you can take out prior with your BK, cc troops, or extra troops the better you'll be. For the lightning spells be sure to zoom in and aim the lightning directly in the middle of the base of the air defense. If not the lightning may miss and not take it out with even 3 spells.
That's all for this episode! Hope you learned something new and some of these tips helped. Let's go get them and keep winning wars!
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