Friday, February 6, 2015

War Recap: Dragonblood vs. FORASTEIRO$ BR

Hey guys,

Here are the war results from last week.  Cos please re-review so we can determine the war list for the next war.  Also everyone please re-read the war tips posts and if you are new and want to be in war then share a replay of a strong war-like attack so we can decide whether to include you.

War Tips Part 1
War Tips Part 2

Analysis (Why We Lost)

Two wars ago we lost because we could not attack the enemy's top 3 th10 bases and they were able to attack ours and earn 7 extra stars from our top 3 bases.  This war we lost for a few reasons.

1) Less Attacks Used - We used 9 less attacks than enemy and lost by 6 stars.  So everyone needs to use both attacks and go for maximum stars even if this means starting at the bottom and working your way up.  At the end of the war this is the only smart thing to do.  If you know you're not going to be available for war or can't attack or don't feel like attacking or have your heroes or spell factory upgrading etc then just let us know and opt out by leaving and rejoining.

2) Enemy had a better strategy - We did not choose smart targets and build the right armies for those targets.  The enemy had a simple and effective strategy.  They attacked our top 15 bases (th9+) with GoWiPe and the rest of our bases (th8 and below) with mass dragons.  The enemy used a total of 6 different army composition variations to earn their stars.  We used over 10 army compositions including several with giants.  We also did 4 attacks on th9 bases with mass dragons and all of those attacks earned only one star.  The enemy earned 67 stars from mass dragons and we earned only 40.

3) Base designs can improve - Enemy had 5 more 3 stars than us.  If you get 3 starred by an opponent with the same town hall level as you watch the replay and see if and how you can improve your base.  Check out YouTube and Google if you need ideas.

4) War Map Clan Castle donations were not optimal - The enemy had no th10s and we had a th10 in war (Lord GI) with max troops but did not capitalize on that advantage.  We should let our highest players fill the war map first, followed by our lower players.  That's why I always wait to fill the castles.  I want to give LGI a chance to put in his max wizards and archers before I add mine.  We didn't wait and filled the castles with lvl 4+ troops.  Don't worry if the castles aren't filled right away.  They'll get filled.  Be patient.  LGI if you can fill the castles earlier that will help too.

Using 9 less attacks will not get it done.

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