Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dragonblood vs Zedbazi.tito

After a strong last war, this was not our best war guys.  I thought we'd have good chances this war because they had four th7 bases compared to us only having one th7.  But we struggled getting 3 stars on many of their bases including the th7s.  My last post was to help us get guaranteed 3 stars on th7s so we don't have this struggle next time.

As Kev pointed out we had too many 1 & 2 star attacks compared to the enemy's 3 star attacks so some of us need to aim lower and use stronger armies.  4 of the bottom 6 enemy bases were not 3 starred at the end of the war which is just low hanging fruit that we're not taking.

Stats tell the story

Enemy's TH7s 3 starred our TH8s

We only had a few 3 star attacks

War heroes (4+ war stars):
Jean - congrats for being the only one with 4+ war stars this war.  Nice job!

Many people only used 1 attack and didn't say why:
Gard - phone problems, could not attack
Jimbo - Got 3 stars on 1st attack, did not use second
Casey - Attacked late for 1st attack, did not use second
Gard Jr - Made mass drags army for 2nd attack, but did not attack
Buntheang - Did not use second attack

I don't want to kick good people and shrink our clan further but this is a warning.  Please explain the issue using both attacks and either use both attacks or opt out of war, thanks.

Soumya - move your outside teslas to the center of the base surrounding your TH.  They will help to protect better against pekkas and others penetrating the core.

If you guys want to war back to back please provide constructive analysis and suggestions on how we can improve in the in-game chat so we make progress and improvements each war.  That way we can get more wins and get to level 5 even faster.

Thanks and let's keep improving!

Friday, September 25, 2015

TH7 enemy bases: mass dragons + 3 lightning + max loons cc = 3 stars guaranteed

Hey Guys,

Great job with 2 wins in a row!  A very nice, decisive win this last war.

One thing we can improve upon.  I've noticed the last few wars that we have used multiple attacks to 3 star TH7 enemy bases.  There's absolutely no reason why we shouldn't 3 star every TH7 enemy base on our first attempt. The answer is to use mass dragons with 3 lightning spells.

Here's how it works.

Make 10 dragons on your camps.
Make 3 lightning spells.
Request max balloons for your clan castle.

Since air defenses are the only real threat to dragons, and there are only 2 air defenses at TH7, take out one air defense with the 3 lightning spells and then overwhelm the other air defense with the dragons and loons.  There's no way one TH7 air defense can take out 10 dragons and 4-5 max loons.


  • Drop 3 lightning on the hardest to reach air defense.  This is usually the one closest to the center of the base.
  • There should now only be 1 air defense left. 
  • Next funnel your dragons to target the remaining air defense.  This means dropping them closest to the air defense so they do not spread out and go away from the air defense.
  • Once you have dropped all dragons and they are taking fire from the air defense release your clan castle full of max loons and the drags will tank while the loons take out all defensive buildings including the lone air defense.
  • That's it, and works every time!

This video is pretty funny.

Other video if you need more examples:

Monday, September 21, 2015

War Rules, Lessons Learned

Guys, let's do post-war analysis and come up with a set of war rules.  I'm talking about more than just "attack your opposite in war".  I personally don't like that rule.  So let's come up with our own set of rules based on lessons learned.

I'll start with a few from this past war:

1) Make every attack count and not go to waste.  Every attack is precious.  We have won and lost wars by a single star and a single attack.  Lower level players (in the bottom half): Attack early in the war before all of the easier bases are gone.  Higher level players: save lower level bases for the lower levels unless you are on cleanup duty at the end or they have already all attacked.

2) Go for the low hanging fruit first.  Get it out of the way.  To our lower level players attacking in the first 12 hours of the war: go for the highest base you can confidently 3 star.  If everyone can earn 3+ war stars total for the clan and we use all of our attacks we will win every war.  Basic math.  Also if you 3 star your first attack then it means others can use their attacks on other bases and not have to attack the same base you already attacked.

3) Do not attack a higher number base than yourself unless all lower bases have been 3-starred.  There are others higher than you that have two attacks to use also.  They have a better chance to 3 star that base than you do.  If you think there's an exception to this rule then check with a co first.  

4) Do not attack a higher TH level than your own.  For the same reason as the previous rule.

5) Use the right army.  We had some failed (1 star) attacks due to the wrong army being used.  There are a limited number of war armies that will yield 3 star success at various town hall levels.  If you don't know what the best army is, just ask and someone will help.  And start by reading these old posts:

Clan War Tips Part 1
Clan War Tips Part 2
Army Comps and Attack Strategies
Dragons and GoWipe Tips

6) Put high level dragons and high HP defensive troops in war map CCs.  Max wiz and archers can be lured and killed with one poison spell now unfortunately and no longer provide good defense in war.  Dragons, max loons, valks are better.  If you don't have level 4+ dragons, or max loons and valks then don't donate.  Let the higher levels fill the war map so everyone has the best defense possible.

7) Once you have started a war attack you cannot Surrender and use the attack later like you once could.  If you click Surrender and have not placed a troop you will get 0% on your attack.  This is why they put a war attack confirmation screen in to remind you if anything is missing before your war attack.  Be sure to review it carefully before attacking.

8) Don't forget about the corners.  It only takes one archer on each corner.  This is mentioned in Clan War Tips Part 1 & 2 but it cost us a star again this past war which we needed to secure our victory.  If you have archers or barbs to spare always do it early in your attack.  Getting 99% sucks and has happened to most of us at one point.

What else guys?  Let's keep adding to this list.

Dragonblood vs Evolution

Hey guys, long time since the last post.  I've been super busy with my job and family and will continue to be but wanted to congratulate everyone on a nice, close war win over a level 5 war clan named Evolution.  We had some struggles in this war but came through clutch in the end.

Here were some highlights and low-lights:

In the first 6 hours with almost the same attacks used we were losing 12-23.  This was mainly due to 1 star and 2 star attacks from unlucky or weird army attacks while the enemy was getting 3 star attacks on all of our lower bases.
The enemy had a double digit lead through most of the war.
In the last 5 hours of the war we had several clutch attacks including:

Pounds' triple on #3 with a max GoWiPe (TH10 vs TH9).
G Jr's triple on #15 with mass drags (TH8 vs TH7).
Gol's triple on #7 with hogs (TH8 vs TH8).
Jimbo's triple on #8 with HoGoWi (TH9 vs TH8).
Gol's triple on #10 with GoWiWiPe (TH8 vs TH8).
Fury's triple on #12 with mass drags (TH8 vs TH7).

During this time when the enemy was getting very few new stars per attack we were pouring in new stars and managed to get the victory by one with a clutch 3 star mass drags attack on #12 by Fury at the last moment.  Their #7 tried to get a star in the last seconds for the tie on Casey's base with a GoWiPe, but dropped their connection and got a 0%.  Tough break for them.  Good for us!

Special mention and congrats goes out to Pounds for getting a perfect 6 stars on the toughest bases.  #2 & 3, both TH9s.  Those max troops are paying off pounds.  Nice job!  Well done to those earning 4+ stars.  You're carrying your weight in war and then some!  If you only got 1 or 2 stars this war then watch your own replays and compare them to some of the 3 star attacks to see where you can improve.  It could be your target base choices, your army selection, your timing, spell choices and spell placement or a combination of the above.  Always make sure you are choosing the right army for the right base.  Some armies are better than others for certain bases.  If you're not sure then just ask.  That's what we're here for.  :)

*Note:  Soumya had a broken phone and was unable to attack.  He will get another one tomorrow.  He said his friend subhrajit's mother was sick and he had to travel back home to visit her.  So that is why subhrajit did not attack.  No explanation for Brunden though.  He was kicked.